首頁 / 學長姐的話


國際企業經營學系 / 蔡依伶(市立新莊高中)

IBA is where students are prepared for the future by engaging themselves in the multicultural environment.
國際企業經營學系 / 阮明銀(越南)
Being here, I have learnt how to collaborate with people with different cultures and languages. I also make many friends from all over the world, and it’s a wonderful experience. IBA is where students are prepared for the future by engaging themselves in the multicultural environment.

國際企業經營學系 / 蕭雋(私立光仁高中)
剛進入IBA時,遇到課業壓力及語言溝通上,當然會有些挫折,但是,不需要害怕和外師溝通,因為系上的教授都非常地親切、都很有耐心的幫你解除課業上的疑惑∼ 而且,經過四年的全英授課,學生們的英文能力一定會進步非常的多喔∼祝你們的大學生活過的多采多姿!!!!

國際企業經營學系 / 蘇湘淳(市立小港高中)

In IBA, diversity is one of the prominent aspects which challenging and beneficial at the same time.
國際企業經營學系 / 辛西亞(印尼)
As a student in IBA, I feel grateful for being a member of this department. There are lots of interesting opportunities that I can experience from IBA while studying in Taiwan by interacting with friends that coming from various countries and learning more from IBA's faculties with variety of methods. In IBA, diversity is one of the prominent aspects which challenging and beneficial at the same time because of that I can be a more open-minded person in a way to deal with difficulties.

國際企業經營學系 / 鄭文軒(市立左營高中)
懵懵懂懂剛進入IBA時,面對全英的環境卻連一句基本的英文問候都說不出口,但經過三年教授與同學 的幫助,現在不只在課堂上應對自如,甚至可以在全英的社團跟外籍生暢談夢想。在IBA全英的環境下學習,不只可以大幅提升英文能力,還可以結識各國好友,歡迎新生加入IBA朝自己的夢想邁進!

It gives me the benefit to connect with people and to try and learn different cultures without having to deal with language barriers.
國際企業經營學系 / 鍾金星(印尼)
As an IBA student, I am grateful for all the opportunities that the department has provided me. The reason why I like my department is that, it embraces diversity as most of my peers come from different parts of the world and we get to share our own experiences and culture together. I never thought that I'll get to experience this before coming to Taiwan and it feels great to be surrounded by people coming from different cultural backgrounds. It gives me the benefit to connect with people and to try and learn different cultures without having to deal with language barriers. And most importantly, it gave me the ability to adapt in this everchanging world. The staff and faculty members have also been very helpful with our needs and I'm thankful for being a part of this department. I know that after accomplishing my degree, it will open new doors for me to flourish and be successful.